Hillbilly gay bar song

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In order to extricate himself from a potential physical altercation, the narrator accuses one man of being a federal agent working undercover to infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan, who removes George Wallace bumper stickers, voted for George McGovern, and has a Communist flag on his garage wall. He is alone at first, to his relief, but several local residents soon arrive and question his manners, physical appearance, and choice of car. When one of the narrator's tires goes flat in Jackson, Mississippi, he stops at a ' Redneck' bar and calls a gas station to come repair it. The narrator protagonist of 'Uneasy Rider' is a long-haired marijuana smoker driving a Chevrolet with a ' peace sign, mag wheels, and four on the floor.' The song is a spoken-word description of an interlude in a trip from a non-specified location in the Southern United States to Los Angeles, California. ( February 2009) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message) Statements consisting only of original research should be removed.

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